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Meet Our Trainers/Facilitators

Andrea, Makhampom's circus best friend, joins the project as one of our main trainers/facilitators, together with Golf - Thanupon Yindee, a Makhampom volunteer and circus artist. Let's learn more about them and their motivations.

Golf - Thanupon Yindee : Circus Director, Circus Trainer, Artist

Golf has joined Makhampom since he was in high-school. Through his 10 years experiences of volunteering with Makhampom, he slowly grows his love in working on social issues focusing on human and minority rights. It was just 3 years ago that he started practicing circus, but together with his foundation of physical theatre, he is now one of Makhampom’s best circus artists.

As a volunteer circus director/trainer for Pang Daeng Youth Circus Troupe, Golf sees possibilities of bringing the idea of Makhampom’s social circus to the next step. Language barrier is considered a challenge since this project includes youths from 3 different ethnic groups, and trainers from 3 countries, at least. Meanwhile, to open enough space for every participant to shine their true potential is another challenge. But Golf believes that “Circus on the Edge” would be proved a potential way to connect people and open spaces to see the value of each other and live together peacefully.

Andrea Hille: Circus Director, Clown, Circus Trainer

"Creating my first circus show at the age of 10 in my neighbours garden was my first impact to community circus. From international teachers I learnt circus skills including acrobatics, flying trapeze, tight-rope walking and firepois, and gained a clown diploma from TuT (school for dance, clown and theater, Hannover)."

"I worked mainly with Circusschule Die Rotznasen e.V., Hamburg, as a circus trainer, artisitic director and circus manager. I taught people from different target groups: people with disabilities, socially deprived and refugees. I organised festivals, created productions and international circus tours, provided youth exchange and worked as a clown, especially in elder peoples houses."

"When I met the talented ethnic groups in Thailand last year, their motivation to learn new artistic skills inspired me. I see so much potential in these youngsters, who are facing social issues, such as statelessness and discrimination, and I believe that circus encourages and gives them reliable life skills for their future. Circus unites cultures and peculiarities; there are no borders, and I hope the “Circus on the Edge” project will create a future flow of Asian-European circus exchange."

"I trust in and am excited to see how the process orientated work and the creativity of participants transforms an empty stage to a strong theatrical platform."

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